Top Immune Boosting:
Fruits, Veggies: Asparagus, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Carrot
Onion, Garlic
Spices: Ginger, Thyme, Tumeric Oregano
Citrus: Orange, lemons, grapefruits
Fruits: Blueberries, Kiwis, Goji, Mulberries
Staples: Rice, Oats, Bone broth
Protein: Chicken, Wild Fish, Chickpeas
Other: Coconut, walnuts
Condiments: Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar, Miso
Probiotic Rich foods includes yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi
Shopping List:
Frozen Fruits, Veggies
Big bags of greens (peas, broccoli, spinach); frozen mango, peach, berries, dragon fruit for smoothies and desserts
High in C, these are not in toxic cans and are usually flash frozen to preserve nutrients, useful in soups and
Meat and poultry: chicken breast, ground beef, and ground turkey all freeze and eat alone or stir into soup/chilli
Beyond Beef
Frozen pizza or pizza crust that you can spruce up with veggies: almond or cauliflower crust
Frozen wild seafood such as prawns or crab claws: can be stir fried with veggies
Beans (dried): excellent non perishable source of protein and fiber
Quinoa: dried or as pasta; packed with 8 grams of protein per cup
Pasta: especially the gluten free bean based or ancient grain (fan of kamut or spelt). Easy to toss with sauce or
Chicken, Beef, or vegetable stock
low in calories, source of protein, base of soup or grains/rice. I also use powdered bone broth (organic, tumeric
Dried fruit
lacks the water but nutrient rich and can top cereal, yogurt, salad, or a snack in itself
Applesauce and fruit purées
Glass jars
Nuts & Nut butters
nutrient dense and full of plant based protein and heart healthy fats. Stir into smoothies or spread on apples or
Shelf stable milk: Like coconut or oat milk for recipes such as soups or smoothies
Jarred Salsa: for tacos or enchillada or huevos
Sprouted Breads and Whole Wheat crackers
Healthy Fats Olive oil, Avocado Oil, Flax & Chia seeds (for smoothies and salads), unsalted grass fed butter (can freeze) Breakfast Items: Bananas mixed with Almond flour make pancakes and waffles (along with an egg); sweet potato can replace the banana too for added nutrients Hearty Cereals and Oats high fiber cereals, including oats for overnight. Add a spoonful of nut butter for protein or dried fruit for sweetness Easy treats: Clean granola bars, protein bars, jerky (nitrate free with minimal preservatives pepperoni, sticks), popcorn Longer Lasting Perishables: Apples Fibre, C, potassium. Refrigerate for about three weeks. Bananas Slice and freeze for smoothies or dip in chocolate. Citrus such as oranges and lemons Refrigerate for roughly two weeks; the zest and juice for marinades and recipes. Eggs Store in original carton for protection. Last in fridge roughly three weeks; boiled for one week. Dairy: butter (can freeze) and cheese (seal properly and refrigerate block style and shredded) Carrots High in beta carotene (skin and eyes); 1 cup has 4 grams of fibre; unpeeled lasts 2 weeks in produce drawer of fridge. Garlic and Onion Powerful flavor boosters used in hundreds of recipes. Store at room temperature and will last up to two months. Potato/Sweet Potato: Sweet and white potato are potassium rich and last at room temperature for roughly two weeks. For potato, soak before cooking. Cabbage: High in fibre, a whole head lasts in the fridge for a week. Shred, add to taco and salad, or braise with a clean protein or for stuffed cabbage. Breads: Gluten free legume or ancient grain based alternatives like bagels, sliced bread, or tortillas can be frozen and reheated with a nutritious nut spread. Immune Boosting Fruits & Vegetables By Color: reds beets, radishes, red peppers, radicchio, tomatoes all boast lyocopene to protect cells and are filled with A, B, C, and manganese. Orange/Yellow butternut squash, golden beets, pumpkins, rutabagas, yellow tomatoes, peppers, carrots high in C, moderately high in A, beta carotene, and flavonoids; encourage pH balance and fight free radicals Greens Broccoli, lettuce, avocado, cucumbers, green onion, cabbage, brussels, snap peas, watercress fiber, minerals (potassium, calcium), K, C, and B complex Blues/Purples eggplant, purple cauliflower, cabbage, purple tomato, purple endive, purple carrot ellagic acid, flavonoids, quercetin, C, K, manganese, and fiber; support brain, heart, and digestion; lower LDL and boost immunity Browns/Whites onion, garlic, cauliflower, potato, parsnip, mushroom Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral make them immune boosting and cancer fighting. High in C, K, folate, and fiber.